Attain the Dhammakaya
Support the 100,000-Monk Ordination Project
Please support the 100,000-Monk Ordination during the Buddhist Lent Project
Peace Revolution for Youth
Meditation Testimonials from the participants of Peace Revolution for Youth.
Looking for Good Neighbors
Good environments for living do not only contain comfortable places, but they also need to contain good neighbors. Creating good neighbors might be more difficult than creating comfortable homes.
Feng Shui
Karma that happens in this life is the effect from actions that we did in previous life. One of the Norway ladies was sent out to a foster home since she was 3 months old and had no chance to be close with her mom. She had to move along with her dad for 12 times until she was used to separation and lack of warmness from people of close relationship. What retribution caused her life to be like this? And, why can her daughter sense which house is livable or no?
The Schedule of the 2nd Japanese Dhammadayada Ordination Project
The history and schedule of the 2nd Japanese Dhammadayada Ordination Project
Buddhists filed a complaint of the art of Face-up Buddha
WFBY and Buddhist Networks filed the complaint letter to the German Embassy on July 2nd, 2013. We protest the show of Face-up Buddha in Munich, Germany.
Roaming the Streets at Night, Do We Need It?
People who wander at night have more chances of encountering danger. Somebody that roams the streets may become useless and increasingly reckless. Many people roam the streets to be social, to have fun, to meet men or women, escape boredom, to get away from home, and to avoid their parents.
The Meaning of a True Friend
In the previous chapter we defined the meaning of ‘friends’ as those in whom we invest time, energy and respurces for example, someone with whom we associate regularly, working together or at least in the same place. In fact, such a definition is only a small part of a much wider scope of meaning covered by the word ‘friend’
Aloha, Madam. Pele And The Cursed Stones
Hawaiians believe that Madame Pele cursed the people who took lava stones from the Big Island back home, but many tourists don’t know it, so they take them away and after that they will become seriously sick or face business problems.